Looking for a unique way to surprise someone? Create a scavenger hunt that leads to a weekend getaway, a special gift, a surprise birthday party, or even important news like a pregnancy announcement.
Imagine creating a romantic scavenger hunt that leads to the presentation of an engagement ring. You're fiance to be would never expect that an email with a link to aclue would lead to such a momentous event, but that's the beauty of this presentation.
The FUN starts here!
Simply fill in the form below with your first clue. Be sure to leave your email address when prompted so that the url (web address of your clue will be sent to you). Then simply send that link to your special someone and let the games begin!
Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
Your Graduation Gifts
Hey mister:)
So pretty soon you’re graduating from law school; yay! Even during this quarantine, you deserve a gift for all your hard work! It’s a big …
Santa Misplaced Your Present
Santa got drunk and misplaced your present!
Well it looks as though Santa enjoyed Megan's Vodka and Mince Pies a little too much! After putting the …
Come on, we all know how much you love to hang around. As your 20th birthday brings us in a mood to make you do all that you …
There is a SURPRISE waiting for you!
We are never too old for a game, right? Follow my instructions and don't get shy, for this game I will need a big tough guy.
Your first clue is... …
Mother's Day Scavenger Hunt
Mother, today you will have to look for 5 different clues until you arrive to your special surprise.
To find your first clue, …
Barnard's Birthday Scavenger Hunt
Happy Birthday Barnard! Now that you've turned 46
Here's a fun little challenge, just for a few kicks.
Like a dog will chase a cat, and a cat will …
One Year Anniversary Hunt
I can't believe how fast time has flown, and how much has happened in one year. I cannot remember a year when so many important things have taken place, …
Father's Day Surprise!
Dear Furry Carpet,
To celebrate your first Father's Day as a dad
I wanted to get you something that wasn't just a fad
Since BBQ, golf and beer aren't …
Can You Find Your Love?
Hello My Love, I Know You Might Think This Is Lame But I Want To You To Play Along.
To Find Me You Must Go Home To Find Your First Clue.
I Like …
Earth, Wind & Fire Hunt!
Good evening Dr. Shapero - - You are invited on a special scavenger hunt where you will encounter mystery, surprises and love.
Please be patient as …
Who is John Galt?
Rule A: - for you! This will hopefully be a great trip -
Rule C: - book or two out after the scavenger -
Rule D: - to read books and recognize almost …
Rankin Elementary Staff Handbook Scavenger Hunt
It's that time of year again, an ultimate favorite of teachers starting once again.
There are meetings, staff development, trainings, and cleaning …
To Find Your Gift...
CLUE #1.
This box is mostly filled with things
K.ingsville A.mazing R.ace 2011
We are here to PUMP! YOU! UUUPPP!
You will be challenged!
You will be frustrated!
You will improve your dancing skills!
You will experience …
Dustin's Secret Surprise
Dear Sunshine,
I know I told you I had a secret for you but, I fiqured out a way to make it fun and for you to try and fiqure out what all …
Lori's Not-So-Lazy Scavenger Hunt
Hello! My name is Lauren and I'm turning 13! A scavenger hunt seemed like something everyone would enjoy. Also it's really easy.
All you have to do …
The Great Christmas Gift Hunt
Christmas isn't Christmas without a little fun,
On your mark get set go, get ready to run
Figure out the riddles to find your gift
If you really …
1st Anniversary Scavenger Hunt
Happy anniversary honey!
You are the best thing that ever happened to me and I am loving the life we have created. I have a special surprise for you …
Eastern Goldfields College Introduction Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Welcome to EGC! Today will test your sleuth and resilience skills. You will be working in teams of 2-4 people.
You will need to solve each clue. Once …
Math Methods Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Hip hip hooray,
It's final exam day!
I've made you a scavenger hunt to complete,
Take selfies at each stop is your feat.
Find all the clues to …
Pea Green's Birthday Treasure Hunt Not rated yet
We may not be nearby, who knows when we will be.
Instead let's play a game, just try your best to beat me.
This leads you to somewhere, you'll …
ZETA GV Scavenger Hunt Powered by Coffee Not rated yet
Welcome to the ZETA GV Coffee Hunt! Before you begin, be sure to get your envelope of cash at the start sight to be able to complete your clues at each …
It's not what you think Not rated yet
This is not what you think it is. Nope. No way. Whatever you're thinking, just let it be that way. I really don't know what to put in this introduction …
Mara's 18th Birthday Not rated yet
The tiny little baby grew up and now she's 18. We all love you and wish you a very happy birthday.
This 18th birthday will be celebrated but you have …
Lisa’s 50th Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Today is your special day, so it’s time for a little fun!
If you follow the clues on this hunt, you will find a surprise when it’s done.
Go to where …
End of Exams Scavenger Hunt! Not rated yet
Hip hip hooray,
It's your first exam free day!
I've made you a scavenger hunt to complete at your leisure.
Find all the clues to reach your treasure. …
Layers of the Skin & Skin Color Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Yesterday, we saw presentations and videos about the epidermis and skin, dermis, and subcutaneous layer.
Today, we will complete a scavenger hunt …
Happy 1 Year Anniversary - Let Your Adventure Begin.... NOW! Not rated yet
Happy 1 Year Anniversary Nikki! Today is a day to celebrate for many reasons! You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am loving the …
GEMS Girls Club Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Team 1, Clue 1 Up and down, and up and down you climb these everyday. You will find your first clue on these, about 4-5 steps away.
Ashton’s Great Pumpkin Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Happy pumpkins hunting my little pumpkin:
There are seven clues you must find that will lead you to your main gift.
Each clue will take you closer …
Paige's Hunt Not rated yet
The clues will only be upstairs and will not be past my room. They will mainly be in your room.
Don't be stumped by the clues in the hunt and go with …
Holly Jolly Hunt Not rated yet
Surprise!! This isn’t a normal gift giving year!
You’ll get clues and hints to your gift, I know it’s a pain in the rear...
As you open your gifts it …
SHMILY Hunt Not rated yet
Good morning my sleeping angel baby! I hope you are ready for a fun day and a (sort of) long drive haha!
I have planned a special trip for you around …
Caçada Dia Das Mães Not rated yet
Bem-vindas a caça ao tesouro do acampamento de dia das mães!
Preparamos esta caçada com muito carinho para que você e seu filho possam partilhar momentos …
Trish's 30th Birthday Getting Old Weekend!!!! Not rated yet
Welcome to the Trish is turning 30 birthday extravaganza, hoedown, hootenanny, shindig weekend/getting old weekend!
My name is Brendan (your sexy husband) …
Surprise You're Turning 8! Not rated yet
Hi Sebastian,
Mom and Dad wanted to "surprise" you with a special day for your birthday. Enjoy the Scavenger Hunt. Most importantly have fun!
Eric's 40th birthday surprise!! Not rated yet
It smells good in here what could it be?
I'm not telling but I was the first to see.
In order to eat you must find your first clue.
Go to Nina's …
Gary's Birthday Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Hey Babe!
You know who this is from, and you've probably figured it out by now that this is a SCAVENGER HUNT!
You know the drill, follow the clues …
Amarachi's 20th Birthday Scavenger hunt Not rated yet
Hello. Welcome to your 20th birthday treasure hunt.
treasure hunt: noun
A game in which players search for hidden objects by following …
Raphael is 11 Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Thank you all for coming today to celebrate Raphael's Birthday.
You guys are not babies anymore. You can read, write, think ... so let's use all of …
Jordan's 18th Birthday Treaure Hunt Not rated yet
Today is your birthday,
let's start it off right.
Ahead to the place
we first met on a Friday night.
To My One and Only Not rated yet
I would give you the world wrapped in a bow if I could but since that is unrealistic I decided to get you a gift that will knock your socks off! I can't …
Alyese's Secret Santa Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Today is the last day of this month long surprise. I hope you have enjoyed this Swifty Ghetto Ride! Your first gift of three will be where you go pee …
Hanif's Exciting Christmas Hunt Not rated yet
I know you're going to hate this,
So what is the point?
But I've still hidden your presents
All over this joint.
If you want to find them,
You're …
Holiday Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
What you have to do:
You have to go around the front yard and deck and look for what is hidden!
Here are some clues!
1. Number 25 (what some fun …
Jared and Company Not rated yet
Here is a fun game just for you and Dad!
Now don't you fret, frown, worry or get mad...
Not when there's such treasures to be had!
Just rub those …
Anna's Christmas Hunt Not rated yet
Find the hiding place of each clue to find a big surprise!
Your first clue is hidden under something you sit on. It is brown and Bandit's favorite …
Your Birthday Gift Hunt Not rated yet
Hi Honey,
Happy Birthday!
I wanted to do something a bit different to celebrate your birthday this year.
To have a bit of fun and extend the smiles …
Merry Christmas G! Not rated yet
G, Here is the beginning of something new. Follow the clues and fill in the blanks to find all of your gifts! Sometimes these men can do almost do …
The Great Christmas Gift Hunt Not rated yet
This year is unlike any Christmas you have ever experienced.
In order to find out what that may be clues are hidden around the house. They lead you …
Christinas Birthday Treasure Trail Not rated yet
Dearest Downie Bear
Since we didn't get to celebrate your birthday properly because of work I thought that we would do something different. So here …
Good Luck Not rated yet
Hello Grace Marie,
I see you have opened your boredom letter. Well may I be the first to say welcome to the scavenger hunt of all scavenger hunts! You …
Happy Birthday Justin Not rated yet
Hey sweetie, I know it's your birthday and I promised you that I would be doing something for you. My hunt for you is going to a variety of places …
Mike's Birthday Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Happy Birthday My Love!
To start your birthday off, we are going to take you on a little scavenger hunt throughout the day.
Hope you have fun and …
Vanessa's Birthday Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Good morning baby,
It’s a wonderful day. You know what it is… so let’s play.
I won’t be around bush and I will be blunt
You are going to participant …
Beatty Trailblazers Staff Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
For each of the items listed below, find one staff member to sign beside the criteria that is applicable to them.
A staff member can only sign once. …
Can You Find Me? Not rated yet
Well... let the fun begin! It's time for you to begin your search in finding me!
The first part is easy... go ahead and start to get ready. An elegant …
Surprise Treasure Hunt Not rated yet
My wonderful Ace, I have been on a hunt for you for as long as I know. I sit in astonishment that I have actually found my treasure.
My love, …
Our Big Adventure Not rated yet
Ernesto Maldonado, my dream husband indeed, As you turn 37, I got just what you need! My family warned you, I am on crazy at times, But you married me …
Love Hunt Not rated yet
Dear Hunter!
You are on a secret mission to save your love from getting kidnapped. You are to follow the clues in order to save your love. Don't skip …
- Zunaira's Birthday Treasure Hunt 2015 - Not rated yet
Gooooood Morning Little Sister!!! ☀️😘
Happy Hatch Day!!!! 🐣
... Or should I say happy ZooNaina day ? 😉
A new morning of a New year of your life …
Bec's B-Day Sca-Venture-Hunt! Not rated yet
Rules and Regulations-
First and foremost---
-No Cheating, cheating is bad
-No scratching, kicking, biting, …
Case 300682 Not rated yet
To Agent Alien33: I am tasking you with an important mission to be completed within a week. It is a hunt for merriment. The mission starts on the 29th …
Geena's 18th Birthday Treasure Hunt!! Not rated yet
Hey Geeba.
It's your birthdayyyyy!!! Yaaaas bitch.
In order to celebrate this special day, I have decided to make you work to find out where this …
Hands Down #1 Daddy: Scavenger Not rated yet
You are the best thing that ever happened to me and I am loving the life we have created. I have a special surprise for you to celebrate your first Fathers …
Barrys Father's Day Not rated yet
Happy, Happy Father's Day to you! This is a treasure hunt for you to do. One by one, each clue leads to the next. Find them, keep them and do your best. …
Cameron's Romantic Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Hi there sweetheart, now begins a game.
For the effort you put in, you'll be rewarded the same.
You have the key to my heart, this key leads you to …
Angelina's Birthday Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Happy Birthday Angelina!
Now that your 24, let's make your birthday a challenge.
Here is your first riddle.
What is the last thing you …
Robinson Crusoe Treasure Hunt Not rated yet
You're stuck on an island;
your trip didn't go as planned.
In order to survive
you must find the clues to stay alive.
To find the next clue,
the order …
Happy Birthday Hunt!! Not rated yet
Happy Birthday!
To start things off right, we're sending you on a hunt for your surprise.
Clues will be limited. You have 15 minutes.
Blowing a Birthday Kiss Your Way Not rated yet
I wanted to find a fun way to celebrate this VERY special day with you from so far away. Getting to know you better brought a spark to my days. …
Hunnies Bday Hunt Not rated yet
Hi Hunnie!
Happy birthday. I love you.
Here's a little spontaneous hunt.
Hope you enjoy yourself... lol.
It ends Friday night.
Now to begin... …
Boopie's Birthday Hunt Not rated yet
It's your birthday and we were thinking about giving you a day where you didn't have to work for anything, but where is the fun in that? Find this …
The Christmas Gift Surprise!! Not rated yet
I know how much you like digging into everything in your life and trying to figure things out before they happen, or read way too deep into …
Clare's Big Birthday Surprise! Not rated yet
Your intellect is required to crack the clues to discover your surprise birthday gift!
It has been made aware to us that your birthday is …
Daddy's Scavenger Hunt - Just Because We Love You So Much! Not rated yet
Dear Daddy!
We love you so much - and are so thankful for all the wonderful things you do for us. We have a little game for you to play. We are sending …
Guess What We're Doing Saturday Not rated yet
Guess what?
Be ready to depart NLT 9a Saturday morning.
1st Clue: A common evergreen bushy shrub (Myrtus communis of the family Myrtaceae, …
Kevin's Dirty 30 Not rated yet
Let's see how smart you really are birthday boy!
Look up, down, sideways, and backwards for your clues. Get help from your fiancée while you play. …
The Journey Not rated yet
Follow the instructions to find the gift that will be presented to you.
This is a hunt to find what you love, and enjoy. Clues are???
1. The first …
2015 Alumni Summit Not rated yet
Welcome to the 2015 Virginia Beach Alumni Summit. we hope that this trip will take you on an empowering journey down the road of networking and entrepreneurship. …
David’s Secret Surprise Not rated yet
In anticipation of the fun we are going to have during your visit, I decided to give you a gift but here’s the challenge: You have to figure out what it …
Hubby Bday Not rated yet
He is my bf. His bday is coming so I am planning to play a kind of hunt.
clue #1
Remember the gift I gave you on V day...?
Check inside …
The Lifeenity Anniversary Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Happy 2 year anniversary to the man I love more then I could ever imagine. In so many ways our relationship has been a journey for both of us. It has not …
The Barham Scavenger Hunt 2015 Not rated yet
Welcome friends to your first annual Barham scavenger hunt!
This game is all about fun and team work! This game is NOT for sissies, so leave your …
Tia's 40th Stiletto Chase Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
40th Birthday, random, big heart, giving.
1st Clue is a restaurant called Ascots
Brooke's Birthday Search Not rated yet
Hemy theree :) youd are fiinally a teencager! Ii have been wainting fore this forc a lonag timbe. . . Let's kicik thnis off with somee funt! There are …
Happy Birthday Not rated yet
Happy early birthday Mum and Dad!
I have created a surprise afternoon for you both as a joint early birthday present which I hope you will enjoy. …
NFP Prenatal Scavenger Hunt! Not rated yet
Dear mommy-to-be,
While you are waiting to meet your nurse for the first time, you can have a little fun with our prenatal scavenger hunt!
Complete …
Glenn's Birthday Fun Not rated yet
Ok so we are going on a mini Adventure you need to bring with you.....
- Enough clothes for 3 days
- Warm ones (We may get a little wet) …
My Qing's Valentine Scavenger Hunt 2-14-15 Not rated yet
Hey baby I know your probably wondering WTF is going on. Well you know when it comes down to me you never know what you're in for! I love you so much and …
Julie's 18th Birthday Not rated yet
Today is February the 14th, do you know what that means? IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!
Are you excited? Well you should be. Because as soon as you're ready, …
2nd Chance LOVE Forever Not rated yet
Do you remember when and where we first met? I fell in LOVE with you from that point on.
Thank God for 2nd chances.
Now, go to the place
That …
To My Valentine Anton G Not rated yet
Enjoy this hunt It's worth it. You'll see!
Dearest Valentine,
You have made this very day so special for me
And in return I have something beyond …
Feliz Cumpleaños! Not rated yet
Feliz cumpleaños amor!!!
As you are the best thing ever you are having a surprise birthday gift... but great things take time to arrive so you must …
Sams Valentines Day Adventure Not rated yet
Hello Sam.
Do you want to play a game? *Saw's voice*
I'm sure you know by now. I love surprises. Giving and receiving. I also like inconveniencing …
Caleb's Manly Birthday Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
This is the start to your Birthday Day of Fun! Yes….we are going on a MANLY Scavenger Hunt! Prepare yourself to enjoy the hunt the entire day! And to start, …
Little Brother Best Surprise Not rated yet
You are the youngest of four. Even though you may seem like we don't treat you fair, we just want you to do right.
This year we want to do something …
Can You Find Me? Not rated yet
There are 10 clues total. Each clue will have a different letter on it that you will need to put together to figure out.
Come find me when you are …
Can You Guess It? Not rated yet
Someone who is bubbly, friendly, and happy go lucky.
First clue: christmas cap
Follow Cupids Arrow Not rated yet
Happy Valentines Day my love. You are now in the hand's of Cupid!!! Follow his arrows from clue to clue in hopes that I will end up next to you. :)
Evan's Exquisitely Exciting Entrance of the World Extravaganza! Not rated yet
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HUSBAND! I can't believe it has already been another year. You may be a year older, but you are also a year wiser, more loving, more …
Can You Find All 10? Not rated yet
I did these for you my love. Now let's see if you can find all 10.
Inside the closet you'll find #1, but think real hard cause it might not be easy …
Happy Birthday Matthew Not rated yet
Down the hallway, behind a door.
You'll find present number one
Two feet from the floor!
It's festive and bright,
And hidden just right.
It's below …
Find Your Presents Not rated yet
It's your birthday and I was thinking about giving you a day where you didn't have to work for anything, but where is the fun in that?
You're first …
Yiannis' Birthday Treasure Hunt Not rated yet
Welcome to your birthday treasure hunt!
If you can figure out the clues, you may find your presents!!
Your first clue is:
If it's white it …
Your Special Day! Not rated yet
Ahhhhhhh welcome! For your 20th birthday I would like to play a game.
You always say I play too much. Well, why not play a game to live up to that …
Your Special Day Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Ahhhhhhh welcome! For your 20th birthday I would like to play a game. You always say I play too much, well why not play a game to live up to that statement. …
CEOC Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Our H&R Block Scavenger Hunt is for the Adults who may still have that little child in them.
The clues will be as follows:
Your 1st first clue …
Kamal's Short Getaway Not rated yet
I have a special surprise for you to celebrate our oh-so-late birthday together. In order to find out what it is, you'll need to follow the hunt clues …
My Husband's Search for Hidden Talents Not rated yet
My husband is a man of many talents, some of the most notable are:
1) Composure - He has the ability to remain calm when all is falling apart
2) Respectful …
Chase Prom Not rated yet
I see Ms. Sutherland has given you your first of many clues. Your job is to find me, but first you have to complete this scavenger hunt to find me.
Shane's Romantic Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Hi there handsome!
For our 3rd anniversary I've decided to create a scavenger hunt for you to do. As much effort as you put into this you will be rewarded …
Rayna's Exciting Exclusive 2014 Christmas Scavenger Hunt Extravaganza Not rated yet
We had a great year together ... Dad and daughter. We did some cool things White Water Rafting, European Vacation, Cruising, Starting middle school, swimming …
Miss You Over Christmas Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Hey Lover,
I wish we were together but since we can't be I thought I would put together a little something for you to do.
I hope you are enjoying …
Brandon's Christmas Gift Not rated yet
Hi Brandon!
I know you don't like suprises but lets make this fun.
Go look under the tree to find clue number one
Christmas Gift Not rated yet
Hello Keeya,
I thought I would have a little fun with your Christmas gift this year....Especially since you know how much I love da season! :) So I …
Mom and Dad's Getaway Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Mom and Dad,
We know you are going to be upset with us for getting you something in the first place, so why not make it interesting? You must follow …
The Great Christmas Gift Hunt Not rated yet
Hi my love!
Since I'm going to be leaving ahead of time for our Mexican Christmas celebration I wanted to leave you with something fun to do …
Jamar's Birthday Surprise Not rated yet
A birthday surprise that you must guess.
Now I'm really putting your brain to the test.
Will you guess it or have to wait and see
What I have planned …
Help Save Christmas! Not rated yet
Secret Santa has taken a fall.
Some say it was too much alcohol.
He hit his head and now needs your help,
to find your gifts and then himself. …
Brian's 28th Birthday Treasure Hunt Not rated yet
Hi, Brylee! First off, happy birthday! Now, in order for you to get your birthday gift, you have to follow some clues; and this website is the first of …
Spanks Thanksgiving Surprise Not rated yet
Tom the a Turkey says that sometime over the next 5 to 6 days you will come across a surprise.
Gobble! Gobble!
Siri's Serious Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
We have been sneaky and planning this. That is why you might have felt we were excluding you. But we did it because we love you!
The first clue: You …
Welcome Home Surprise :) Not rated yet
Hey babe it's me, Alexis.
I know I said I wouldn't be here, but I tricked you babe!
I just want to say I love you and hope you have fun on this …
David's Great Birthday Search Not rated yet
Dear David,
I thought it would be fun to hide your birthday surprise, but I think I lost it... David, you are our only hope in locating it. I left little …
Pipo's BDAY Not rated yet
Hey baby! HAPPY BDAY! Guess what? You're going to play a game all day till the last clue.
Take the box with you and the guys will be at your door to …
Awesome Birthday Gift for the Most Wonderful Woman - Can You Find Me Not rated yet
Happy Birthday Babe!
I love you sooo much and that is why I'm making you work for that birthday gift.
Your first clue on finding your gift is the …
Hayes 40th Birthday Exclusive Relax, Relate and Release Hunt Not rated yet
This is the beginning of your Exclusive 3 R's day
I can't believe (40) has headed your way.....
To start I need you to put a V on room
The thing you …
A Game Has Just Begun! You'll Have Plenty of Fun! Not rated yet
Happy Birthday! Today is your day full of laughter and joy! A game has just begun! You’ll have plenty of fun! Follow the rules and you won’t be …
Welcome to Ross Elementary! Not rated yet
RULES OF ENGAGEMENT Every member of your team must stay with your team. At no point during this event may any person leave the group.
Your task …
More Than Your Birthday or Our Anniversary... It Is Our Journey! Not rated yet
Congratulations! You have reached 35% of your Journey. If your watch shows that is before September 4th at 13pm, then it means you are on the right track. …
Wilkinson County Primary School Handbook Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Welcome back to school!
We look forward to a productive and victorious school year. Here is a challenge for you. Work your way through this scavenger …
The Great Summer Adventure of 2014 Not rated yet
Our trip this year was planned with care
So you would all have fun.
Our plans will take us here and there
The goal is only one...
To celebrate the …
Corra's Great Birthday Adventure for You! Not rated yet
This is Corra writing you to begin with, but in the next slew of clues you will find, I have enlisted the help of my not so humble servants who unfortunately …
Happy Birthday to You! Not rated yet
I've created a scavenger hunt just for you!
There are several tasks that need completing for this treasurrrrrrrrrrrrre hunt.
Make your way around …
Last Week of School Scavenger Hunt! Not rated yet
Starting your scavenger hunt is easy to do. Just find 4 or 5 friends and read out the clues. But, first in order to succeed you must read the rules and …
Mommy's Silly Birthday Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Daddy and I wanted you to work for your presents this year.
Clue 1 ...... You can't function right with out me. And no it's not me mommy. :)
Super Sujan's 29th Not rated yet
Sujan is a fun-loving person and is very positive 'bout life.
It's your bday so you gotta have a grand day !
Sea is blue which …
CLLO United Way Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Welcome so glad you decided to join us on this hunt for great prizes. Emails will be sent out to those of you who have paid a fee, the first person to …
Charles' Birthday Adventure Not rated yet
You will need to go on a scavenger hunt to find clues to eventually find the grand prize. The first clue awaits at the place we met for the first time. …
John's Birthday Hunt From Sunny Not rated yet
I love you. You know this is true.
Some say Violets are Blue.
Your head must now lead you to their
counterpart that is red... for your next clue.
QV's 35th "Amazing Race" Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Happy birthday, sunshine. This year, I wanted to make sure that you couldn't find your gift easily! Follow the clues one-by-one for a little birthday fun! …
The Great Mystery Quest Not rated yet
A challenge comes your way, a test to try your wit
So play along, be patient, and try to find the key!
Tim's Romantic Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
It is filled with letters, squares, and numbers too what ay is it? This will give you a clue....
The Great Birthday Present Hunt Not rated yet
Hello Lover,
Welcome to your scavenger hunt! With just 3 weeks until your birthday, it's time to begin the hunt for your present.
In order to find …
Katelyn's Mysterious Scavenger Hunt! Not rated yet
First clue I sleep on by _________. Go to your answer.
Second, I sit on my _______________.
Third, I kept my phone in ______ when it got wet.
Cole's 16th Birthday Scavenger Hunt! Not rated yet
This is a scavenger hunt I created for your birthday. With every clue you will find a card with one reason why I love you (Yes, I used a FULL …
Makeover Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Team #1,
You will be looking for multiple makeup, hair styling tools, and other items. Don't look in obvious places.
1.) I have a lot of polka dots, …
Jason's Romantic Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Jay Jay this begins the journey through our 7 plus year relationship. The Love that has transformed from just a glance through shoes and customers to the …
Zack's Birthday Gift Hunt Not rated yet
Hi Birthday Man!
I hid your present, find it if you can!
This is where the magic happens,
next to a fun filled drawer.
Open it to find your …
Birthday Scavenger Hunt 2014 Not rated yet
Hi Sweetheart!
As always, your birthday comes around Valentine's Day and it is hard not to wrap both things together!
BUT this year I will send you …
Brian's Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Along the way you will find some clues and presents to be had, but keep them closed 'till we're done and you'll make me very glad.
You stand here at …
Until the End of Forever Not rated yet
28 year old man with the bluest eyes in the world
A great man and father to our girls.
The first room I was ever in your house.
Where am I? Will You Find Me? Not rated yet
For you my baby, I lead you on your own quest. It's not like the ones you play in video games or in a sense a quest to finish the jobs at work so you …
3 Years Down Memory Lane Not rated yet
Let's begin...
N 33° 46′ 25.73″
W 84° 21′ 11.89″
Look around because, No Man is one!? +
a business that sells things that grow. …
Popeye's Treasure Hunt Not rated yet
Ahoy there! As of right now you'll start to scavenger thru clues to reach your treasure, be alert, timely, and have fun.
At the End of your the hunt …
Duck Dynasty Not rated yet
This week is the first week of the new school year and our new theme is Duck Dynasty.
The scaventure hunt will be all things duck and all thing dynasty. …
Gimtadienio paslaptis Not rated yet
Ieškok prie tvoros
Eliots Birthday Love Hunt Not rated yet
Happy Birthday Pudding Pop! I love YOU very much.
Get ready for a day full of clues and surprises :)
Your first clue: Look where you lay beneath …
Your Anniversary Gift Not rated yet
We will be making a little stop or two before heading to dinner. I have never been very good at buying you gifts that you will actually use, so we are …
Happy Birthday Daddy! Not rated yet
Today you will be embarking on a journey in order to get your present...good things come to those who wait so be patient! Make sure to have your Ipod! …
Birthday Hunt!!! Not rated yet
Happy Birthday Sweetheart!!! Today is your day! I hope that you've enjoyed it so far but, it's not over yet. The first instructions to finding your gift …
George's Secret Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
You will need to follow these clues to get to your surprise!
We're going on a date for which you can't be late
bring your best and let's get some …
Kimmy's Bashful Bachelorette Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Each task is worth one point, some tasks can generate bonus points.
Everyone in the group must complete at least one task.
Pictures or video need …
Let the Games Begin! Not rated yet
You are invited to attend and participate in a FUN event!
You have to work through some clues to find out the details of this event - I promise it will …
Jeremy's Birthday Day of Surprises Around Town! Not rated yet
Happy Birthday honey!
Let's go on a Scavanger Hunt for your gifts.
Clue one: It is out of this world AND you can find one in the ocean. It can …
The Best Christmas Gift Hunt Not rated yet
You have been waiting and wanting for Monday to come. But it's going to take some time for you to get to your gift. When you have rested and are up and …
Mary Christmas Merry Not rated yet
You've been a great sister this year!
So full of Holiday love not to mention Cheer!
And to show my appreciation I have an unspoken token of which you …
Megans Ultimate Christmas Gift Not rated yet
Merry Christmas Megan!!!
You've been a great person this year! So full of Holiday Cheer!
And to show our appreciation we have a token of COMMUNICATION!! …
Joelle Not rated yet
Now as we come near to the last present, we ask you to take it to a hunt! Follow these clues, and you will find what you are searching for!
Isabella's Mystery Christmas Hunt Not rated yet
Bella to reveal your christmas present you must follow the clues and find your way to your gift...
First Clue is.........
When your feeling tired …
Gov't Collections Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Thank you for being at work today before the great feast!
To help keep you awake and motivated, I have created a Scavenger Hunt that can be executed …
Scott's Birthday Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Happy Birthday, Scott!
I always try to show you on your birthday how special you are and what you mean to me.
This year I decided to drive you …
Medallion Not rated yet
This is going to be a blast!
If you want to find me first,
SLOW DOWN! Don't go so fast!
I’m within an easy reach this year.
But I’ve bonded with …
Stephanie's Birthday Party Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
The first team to gather all the clues to this scavenger hunt will be the winner.
All team members have to participate for their team to win. No cheating …
Sweet 16 Surprise! Not rated yet
Roses are red, violets are blue
You two are 16 and here's your first clue.....
Drive to a place that fits this first rhyme,
Be sure to hurry; don't …
Plant Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
You and a partner are about to embark on a scavenger hunt, Your mission is to find various types of plants and plant parts. Some clues will require you …
Find Brandon Ackley Not rated yet
I Brandon Ackley have dissapeared and it's your job to find me.
The 1st clue rhymes with: bye shem bee bay .
The Hunt Not rated yet
Welcome to The Hunt! Here are some simple rules you must follow, if one of the rules is broken Della will be very mad because she spent alot of time making …
H&R Block Picnic in the Park Not rated yet
Our H&R Block Scavenger Hunt is for the Adults who may still have that little child in them.
The clues will be as follows:
Your 1st first …
Jaleia's Peace Party Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Welcome to Jaleia's 7th Birthday Peace Party Scavenger Hunt.
Your first clue: To find my favorite candy treat, you will need to look under the …
Indoor Scavenger Hunt Clue 1 Not rated yet
Indoor Scavenger Hunt Clue 1:
When your feeling tired
There's just one place to go
To sleep and get some rest
And wake up feeling your best …
3 Month Anniversary Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Hello baby. Today you're in for a treat as I have created a hunt for you to go on. Follow the directions and use your head well and you will find the …
Welcome Back Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
You have now started the scavenger hunt!
We have put in a lot of thought into this. The rules are:
You are not allowed to go out of this neighbourhood …
Elizabeth and Seth's Fantastical Memphis Scavenger Hunt Not rated yet
Hello and Welcome to Memphis TN! Your first clue is he is the King of Rock N Roll and no vistor to Memphis Airport can leave without a pair of his famous …
The Greatest Scavenger Hunt Ever Not rated yet
Hello and welcome to our scavenger hunt! Have fun and win!
Something from a tree.
Something from a bird.
A rock.
Something …
Brad's 40th Birthday Surprise Not rated yet
Your 40th birthday is coming up soon and I have a special surprise for you to celebrate this important milestone. In order to find out what it is, you'll …
Nov 28, 23 01:38 AM
Dec 15, 22 11:02 AM
Nov 16, 22 01:42 PM