This Internet Treasure Hunt for Kids is Now Closed!
The winner of this internet treasure hunt is
8 year old Nicholas from Ontario, Canada.
If you did not win, you can use the 10% off coupon that was sent to all hunt finishers to get your own Riddle Me game.
If you would like to try the hunt just for fun, it will be available below till we start our next contest. We will send anyone who completes the hunt, till then, the secret password for Lucy's special printable outdoor scavenger hunt and the 10% off coupon code for Riddle Me.
Please Note: The draw prize portion of this contest is OVER.
We will be setting up a new internet treasure hunt soon,
so check back often.
Congratulations to Nicholas
and thank you to all of you who participated.
Hi Kids!
Are you ready to put your detective skills to work and begin this scavenger-hunt-fun
Internet Treasure Hunt for Kids?
Every treasure hunter will get a SECRET PASSWORD to unlock Lucy's special printable outdoor scavenger hunt. Compliments of
Any hunter who answers all of the questions correctly can enter their name in a draw for a really cool, really fun...

Riddle Me Treasure Hunt Game.

Before you start, this is how you play...
1. Ask your parents if it's okay for you to participate.
2. Visit 10 websites and look for the answers to 10 questions.
Each question in the form below has a link to a page that holds the answer. The links will open new pages, so that you can find the answers without leaving this page.
3. Type your answers in the form below as you find them.
You must answer all of the questions in order to submit them. If you have any questions
contact us
and we will do our best to answer them asap.
4. Type in your age, first name, and select the country you live in.
5. Type in your email address twice to be sure it is right.
We need your email address to send you your secret codes and to notify you if you are the winner. We WILL NOT share your email address with anyone.
6. Have your parent/legal guardian fill in the next three boxes.
These boxes include parent/guardian name, permission, and agreement to the official rules.
7. Click on one of the prize option boxes.
8. Click on submit.
P.S. If you need help from an older brother or sister or your parents for this hunt, you have our permission.
Anyone completing this internet treasure hunt will receive the SECRET PASSWORD to unlock Lucy's printable outdoor scavenger hunt and a special TOP SECRET PASSWORD to receive 10% off the purchase of a Riddle Me Treasure Hunt Game.
Participants may also enter a draw for
one Riddle Me Treasure Hunt Game for Kids.
The contest closes at midnight (Eastern Time - North America) on August 30, 2006.
The draw will be held on September 1, 2006.
(Click on the Riddle Me box above to learn more about Riddle Me.)
Note to Parents
We value your child's online safety. It is for this reason that we have requested that your child get your permission before participating in this internet treasure hunt. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
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